#!/usr/bin/perl ########################################################## # CSVsearch Xtra & CSVread Xtra v 28/Mar/2005 # © 1999-2005 EZscripting.com # Script by Alexandre Golovkine & Babelnotes.be ########################################################## # Instructions: http://www.EZscripting.com/csvread/ # Instructions: http://www.EZscripting.com/csvsearch/ # FAQ: http://www.EZscripting.com/faq/ # Help Forum: http://www.EZscripting.com/helpforum/ ########################################################## ## Template brackets are now [[fieldname]] my $scriptname = "omlsmagson.pl"; my $CSV_file = "group1.dat"; my $HTML_template = "templatemagson.htm"; my $no_matches_found = "

Sorry, No results found.
Use the back button on your browser to try again

"; my $num_random = 5; my $records_per_page = 1; my $field_name_records = 'records'; my $textPrevious = "Previous"; my $textNext = "Next"; my $pageSelectorRange = 10; my $order_desc = 1; my $separator = '|'; my $min_query_length = 0; my $min_query_length_error = "

Sorry, the minimum number of characters to search is $min_query_length!
Use the back button on your browser to try again

"; my $default_show_mode = 0; my $kill_image_buttons_value = 0; my @DateFields = ('DATE'); my @no_search_fields = (); ########################################################## # Advanced Settings High Lighting my $highLighting = 0; my @highLightColors = ("#FFFFC1", "#CEFFCE", "#D7D7FF", "#FFCECE", "#CCCCCC"); my @no_highlight_fields = ('join_id','group_id'); ########################################################## # Advanced Settings auto ID my $ID_use = 0; my $ID_field_name = "group_id"; ########################################################## my $field_name_database = 'group1.dat'; my %DB=(); $DB{'db1'} = 'database.txt'; $DB{'db2'} = 'database.txt'; $DB{'db3'} = 'database.txt'; $DB{'db4'} = 'database.txt'; $DB{'db5'} = 'database.txt'; ########################################################## my $field_name_template = 'templatemagson.htm'; my %TMP =(); $TMP{'tp1'} = 'template.htm'; $TMP{'tp2'} = 'template.htm'; $TMP{'tp3'} = 'template.htm'; $TMP{'tp4'} = 'template.htm'; $TMP{'tp5'} = 'template.htm'; ########################################################## # EZscripting.com © 1999 - 2005 # The scripts are available for private and commercial use # Once purchased this script can be used in any website you build personally # You may not sell the script in any format to anybody # The scripts may only be distributed by EZscripting.com # Do not post or email all or part of the this code in any form whatsoever # The redistribution of modified versions of the scripts is prohibited # EZscripting.com accepts no responsibility or liability # whatsoever for any damages however caused when using our services or scripts # By downloading and using this script you agree to the terms and conditions ########################################################## use strict; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; error("Error: Bad record separator!") if !$separator or $separator=~m /["'\.\\\/]/; my $my_separator=$separator; $my_separator="\\".$separator if $separator eq '|'or $separator eq ',' or $separator eq '.' or $separator eq '*'; my %DateFields; for (@DateFields){$DateFields{$_}=1;} (my $secs,my $mins,my $hour,my $mday,my $mon,my $year,my $wday,my $yday,my $isdst)=gmtime(time); my %INSERT=(); my %FORM=(); my $qs=$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; $qs=~s/(\?|\&)(|\w*\.)(x|y)=[^&\Z]*//g if $kill_image_buttons_value; my $database; ## find database if $field_name_database if ($field_name_database){ $database=~m/(.*)/; $qs=~s/$field_name_database=([^\Z\&]*?)(\Z|\&)//; $CSV_file = $DB{$1} if $1; $database = $1 if $1; } error("Please, check path to your database file on head of script !") unless -f $CSV_file; ## read db my @data = read_file($CSV_file); chomp $data[0]; my @fields= split($my_separator, shift @data); my $base_length = @data; error("You have bad file!") if !@fields; error("Database is clear!") if $base_length<1; ## remove fields that are barred due to security restrictions my $nbrforbiddenfields = @no_search_fields; my $use_no_search_fields = 1; if ($nbrforbiddenfields == 0) { $use_no_search_fields = 0;} else { $use_no_search_fields = 1;} my %forbiddenpositions; if ($use_no_search_fields) { my $field; my $cnt = 0; my $forbiddenfield; my $line; ## check which fields are forbidden foreach $field(@fields) { foreach $forbiddenfield(@no_search_fields) { if ($field eq $forbiddenfield) { $forbiddenpositions{$cnt} = "F"; # F = Forbidden } } if (!defined($forbiddenpositions{$cnt})) { $forbiddenpositions{$cnt} = "P"; # P = Public } $cnt++; } } sub checkval { (my $str) = @_; my $name; my $value; ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $str); if (defined($value) && !($value =~ m/^\s*$/)) { return 1;} else { ($name, $value) = split(//, $str); if (defined($value) && !($value =~ m/^\s*$/)) { return 1;} else { return 0;} } } } ## check whether some fields should not be highlighted my $nbrnohlfields = @no_highlight_fields; my $use_no_highlight_fields = 1; if ($nbrnohlfields == 0) { $use_no_highlight_fields = 0;} else { $use_no_highlight_fields = 1;} my %forbiddenhighlights; if ($use_no_highlight_fields) { my $field; my $cnt = 0; my $nohlfield; my $line; ## check which fields are forbidden foreach $field(@fields) { foreach $nohlfield(@no_highlight_fields) { if ($field eq $nohlfield) { $forbiddenhighlights{$cnt} = "N"; # No Highlight } } if (!defined($forbiddenhighlights{$cnt})) { $forbiddenhighlights{$cnt} = "H"; # H = Highlight } $cnt++; } } my @conditions=split(/&/,$qs); my $m=0; my @header=(); my @search_value=(); my $method; my $templateF; my $searchTerms; if($ID_use && $qs =~m/show=([^\&\Z]+)/){ my $show= $1; if($field_name_template && $qs=~m/$field_name_template=([^\&\Z]+)/){ $HTML_template=$TMP{$1}; $templateF=$1; error("Please select correct path to your template file") unless -f $HTML_template; } $method = "perfect"; @data = search($show, $ID_field_name); } else{ if($qs =~m/header=([^\&\Z]+)/){push @header,$1;} if($qs =~m/method=([^\&\Z]+)/){$method=$1;} foreach (@conditions){ $_ =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge; (my $name, my $value) = split(/=/, $_); if (checkval($_)) { if($name eq 'search'){ $searchTerms = $value; minquerylength($value) if length($value) < $min_query_length; @data = search($value, $header[0]); $value=~tr/+/ /; $value=~s/%([\dA-Fa-f][\dA-Fa-f])/pack ("C",hex($1))/eg; push @search_value, $value; } elsif($name eq 'header' or $name eq 'method'){} elsif($name eq 'hl') { if ($value eq 'on') { $highLighting = 1; } if ($value eq 'off') { $highLighting = 0; } } elsif($name eq $field_name_records){$records_per_page=$value;} elsif($field_name_template && $name eq $field_name_template ){ $HTML_template=$TMP{$value} if $value; error("Please select correct path to your template file") unless -f $HTML_template; } elsif($name eq 'order_by' or $name eq 'order' or $name eq 'page'){$FORM{$name} = $value;} elsif($name eq 'display'){@data = random_record();} elsif($_=~/([^=<>!]+)([\!=<>]+)([^=<>!]+)/){@data = search($3, $1, $2); $searchTerms = $3;} $m++; } } } (my $head, my $tmp, my $foot) = get_html($HTML_template); my $result; ##sort @data = reverse @data if $order_desc && !$FORM{order_by}; @data=order() if $FORM{order_by}; @data=random_record(1) if $FORM{order} eq 'random'; ###date! # ###matched data ## Search Term Highlighting. if ($highLighting) { my @terms = split(/\+/, $searchTerms); my $term; my $cnt = 0; foreach $term(@terms) { my $colorIndex = $cnt % (@highLightColors); my $highLightColor = $highLightColors[$colorIndex]; my $fronthl = ''; my $endhl = ''; my $part; foreach $part(@data) { my @parts = split($my_separator, $part); my $cell = ""; my $cnt2 = 0; foreach $cell(@parts) { if (($use_no_highlight_fields == 0) || ($forbiddenhighlights{$cnt2} eq "H")) { my $temp1 = $cell; my $temp2 = ""; my $oldindex = 0; my $i = iindex($temp1, $term); my $pos_in_tot_string = $i; while ($i >= 0) { my $pre = substr($temp1, 0, $i); $temp2 .= $pre; if (not_in_tag(substr($cell, 0, $pos_in_tot_string))) { $temp2 .= $fronthl.$term.$endhl; } else { $temp2 .= $term; } $temp1 = substr($temp1, $i+length($term)); $oldindex = $i; $i = iindex($temp1, $term); $pos_in_tot_string = length($temp2) + $i; } $temp2 .= $temp1; $cell = $temp2; } $cnt2++; } $part = join($separator, @parts); } $cnt++; } } ## end ST highlighting ## output everything. my $p; my $w; my $pages_out; my $total = @data; my $end = $FORM{page}*$records_per_page + $records_per_page; $end = $total if $end>$total; for($w=$FORM{page}*$records_per_page; $w<$end;$w++){ my @line = split($my_separator, $data[$w]); $m=0; %INSERT=(); foreach(@fields){$INSERT{$_} = $line[$m++];} $result.=get_record($tmp); } my $pages; $qs=~s/page=([^\&\Z]*)//; $qs=~s/\&\&/\&/; $qs=~s/\&\Z//; $qs =~s/"/"/g; $qs .="&$field_name_database=$database" if $database; $qs .="&$field_name_template=$templateF" if $templateF; #set page selector $pages_out= " $textPrevious " if $FORM{page}>0; my $pageStart=0; my $pageEnd = $total/$records_per_page - 1; if($pageSelectorRange){ $pageEnd = int($pageEnd+0.5); $pageStart= $FORM{page}-int($pageSelectorRange/2) if $FORM{page}>int($pageSelectorRange/2); $pageEnd=$pageStart+$pageSelectorRange-1 if $pageStart+$pageSelectorRange-1<$pageEnd; $pageStart= $pageEnd-$pageSelectorRange+1 if $pageEnd-$pageSelectorRange+1>=0; } for($pages=$pageStart; $pages <= $pageEnd; $pages++){ $p=$pages+1; if($FORM{page}==$pages){$pages_out.= " $p";} else{$pages_out.= qq| $p|;} } $pages_out.= " $textNext" if $FORM{page} < $total/$records_per_page-1; $INSERT{'#_matches'} = @data; $INSERT{'#_total'} = $base_length; $INSERT{'#_pages'} = $pages; $INSERT{'#_page_selector'}=$pages_out; $INSERT{'#_search'} = join(", ", @search_value); $INSERT{'#_date'}=(1900+$year)."-".($mon+1)."-$mday"; $INSERT{'#_time'}="$hour".":"."$mins".":"."$secs"." GMT"; if ($default_show_mode){ $result=get_record($no_matches_found)."
"; $INSERT{'#_matches'} = 0; $INSERT{'#_total'} = 0; $INSERT{'#_pages'} = 1; $INSERT{'#_page_selector'}=1; } unless (@data){ $result = get_record($no_matches_found)."
"; $INSERT{'#_page_selector'} = 1 ; } print get_record($head), $result, get_record($foot); undef $result; undef $head; undef $foot; exit; ######################################################### sub minquerylength { (my $searchval) = @_; (my $head, my $tmp, my $foot) = get_html($HTML_template); $result=get_record($min_query_length_error)."
"; $INSERT{'#_matches'} = 0; $INSERT{'#_total'} = $base_length; $INSERT{'#_pages'} = 1; $INSERT{'#_page_selector'}=1; $INSERT{'#_search'} = $searchval; $INSERT{'#_date'}=(1900+$year)."-".($mon+1)."-$mday"; $INSERT{'#_time'}="$hour".":"."$mins".":"."$secs"." GMT"; print get_record($head), $result, get_record($foot); undef $result; undef $head; undef $foot; exit; } sub iindex { (my $string, my $searchingfor) = @_; my $idx = index(uc($string), uc($searchingfor)); if ($idx >= 0) { $_[1] = substr($string, $idx, length($searchingfor)); } return $idx; } sub not_in_tag { (my $string) = @_; my @arr = split(//, $string); my $num_tag_open = grep(//, @arr); return ($num_tag_open == $num_tag_close); } ######################################################### sub order{ my @myArr=(); my @new=(); my %myHash=(); my $position; my $i=0; my $ind; my $key; foreach(@fields){$position=$i if $_ eq $FORM{order_by}; $i++;} $i=0; foreach(@data){ my @line=split($my_separator,$_); chomp $line[$position]; $line[$position] = modify_date($line[$position], 1) if $DateFields{$FORM{order_by}}; $ind = "$line[$position].$i"; $myHash{"$ind"} = $i; $myArr[$i] = "$ind"; $i++; } if($FORM{order} eq '123' or $FORM{order} eq '321'){@myArr= sort { $a <=> $b } @myArr;} else{@myArr = sort {lc $a cmp lc $b } @myArr;} @myArr = reverse @myArr if $FORM{order} eq '321' or $FORM{order} eq 'cba'; $i=0; foreach $key (@myArr){$new[$i++]= @data[$myHash{$key}]; } return @new; } sub random_record{ my @new_data=(); my $my_num_random; error("Can't display less than 1 random records. Set \$num_random to a value greater than 1.") if $num_random < 1; if($_[0] or $num_random > @data){$my_num_random=@data;} else{$my_num_random=$num_random;} my $tmp; my %uniq; for(0..$my_num_random-1){ $tmp=int(rand(@data)); redo if $uniq{$tmp}; $new_data[$_]=$data[$tmp]; $uniq{$tmp} = 1; } return @new_data; } sub checkfields { my @fields = @_; my $field; my $forbiddenfield; foreach $field(@fields) { foreach $forbiddenfield(@no_search_fields) { if ($field eq $forbiddenfield) { return_no_results(); } } } } sub return_no_results { (my $head, my $tmp, my $foot) = get_html($HTML_template); $result=get_record($no_matches_found)."
"; $INSERT{'#_matches'} = 0; $INSERT{'#_total'} = 0; $INSERT{'#_pages'} = 1; $INSERT{'#_page_selector'}=1; print get_record($head), $result, get_record($foot); exit(0); } sub search{ my $word=shift; my $field=shift; my $action=shift; my @new_data=(); $word=~tr/+/ /; $word=~s/%([\dA-Fa-f][\dA-Fa-f])/pack ("C",hex($1))/eg; #$word=~s/\*/\\*/g; if ($DateFields{$field}){$word=modify_date($word);} my $position=-1; my $m=0; if($field) { if ($use_no_search_fields) { checkfields($field); } $field=~tr/+/ /; $field=~s/%([\dA-Fa-f][\dA-Fa-f])/pack ("C",hex($1))/eg; foreach(@fields){$position=$m if $_ eq $field; $m++; } if ($method eq 'start') { my $entry; foreach $entry(@data) { my @line = split($my_separator, $entry); if ($line[$position] =~ /^$word/i) { push(@new_data, $entry) } } $default_show_mode = 0; return @new_data; } } if ($method eq 'start') { return_no_results();} my %match; $word =~s/ +/ /g; my @keys; my $key; my $record; if($word=~m/\A"(.*)"\Z/){$keys[0]=$1;} elsif(!$action and ($method eq "perfect" or $method eq "exact")){$keys[0]=$word;} else{@keys= split(" ", $word);} if($action eq '!='){for(0..@data-1){$match{$_} = 1;}} foreach $key (@keys){ $m=0; foreach $record (@data){ chomp $record; $record =~ s/"/"/g; $record =~ s/'/'/g; my @line = split($my_separator, $record); if($field && $position>-1){ if($DateFields{$field} ){ $line[$position]=modify_date($line[$position]); unless ($line[$position]){$m++; next}; } if($action eq '!='){ $match{$m} = 0 if $line[$position]=~m/$key/i; } elsif($action eq '>='){$match{$m} = 1 if $line[$position]>=$key;} elsif($action eq '<='){$match{$m} = 1 if $line[$position]<=$key;} elsif($action eq '>'){$match{$m} = 1 if $line[$position]>$key;} elsif($action eq '<'){$match{$m} = 1 if $line[$position]<$key;} elsif($action eq '!!'){$match{$m} = 1 if $line[$position]!=$key;} elsif($method eq "perfect"){$match{$m} = 1 if $line[$position] eq $key;} else{$match{$m}++ if $line[$position]=~m/\Q$key/i;} } else{ my $cnt = 0; foreach(@line) { if (($forbiddenpositions{$cnt} eq 'P') || $use_no_search_fields == 0) { if($method eq "perfect"){if($_ eq $key){$match{$m}++; last;}} elsif ($_=~m/\Q$key/i){$match{$m}++; last;} } $cnt++; } } $m++; } } $m=0; my $k=0; foreach(@data){ $match{$m} = 0 if $match{$m}<@keys && $method eq "all"; $new_data[$k++] = $_ if $match{$m}; $m++; } $default_show_mode=0; return @new_data; } sub modify_date{ my $date = shift; my $switch = shift; my $time; ##date format 10:16:47 2003-10-19 if ($date=~m/(\d+):(\d+):(\d+) (\d\d\d\d)-(\d+)-(\d+)/){ if($switch){return 0 if $1>23 or $2>59 or $3>59;} return 0 if $6>31 or $5>12; $time = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d",$4,$5,$6,$1,$2,$3); return $time; } ##date format 2003-10-29 2003.10.29 2003/10/29 elsif($date=~m/(\d\d\d\d)[-\/\.](\d+)[-\/\.](\d+)/){ return 0 if $2==0 or $3>31; $time = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d",$1,$2,$3)."000000"; return $time; } elsif($date =~m/TODAY/i){ my ($Tday, $Tmonth, $Ttime)= ($mday, $mon+1, "000000"); $Ttime="235959" if $switch; $time = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d",1900+$year,$Tmonth,$Tday).$Ttime; return $time; } elsif($date =~m/NOW/i){ my ($Tday, $Tmonth, $Thour,$Tmins,$Tsec)= ($mday, $mon+1, $hour, $mins, $secs); $time = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d",1900+$year,$Tmonth,$Tday,$Thour,$Tmins,$Tsec); return $time; } else{ return 0;} } sub get_record{ my $text = $_[0]; $text =~ s{\[\[\s*(.*?)\s*\]\]}{exists($INSERT{$1}) ? $INSERT{$1} : ""}gsex; return $text; } sub get_html{ my @txt = read_file($_[0]); my $txt; foreach(@txt){$txt.=$_;} $txt=~/(.*)